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Crash Testing and Evaluation of the HDOT 42-in. Tall, Solid Concrete Bridge Rail with Aesthetic Recessed Rounded Panels and 6-in. Tall Sidewalk: MASH Test Designation Nos. 3-10 and 3-11




Rodrigo Quintero-Paez, Chungwook Sim, Ronald Faller, Erin Urbank




This report documents two full scale-crash tests conducted in support of a study to investigate the safety performance of the Hawaii Department of Transportation’s (HDOT’s) 42-in. Tall, Aesthetic Recessed Rounded Panels Concrete Bridge Rail system with a 6-ft wide by 6-in. tall sidewalk. The bridge rail consisted of four 22-ft long concrete parapets anchored to the concrete tarmac. Expansion joints between each segment consisted of 24½-in. long, No. 8 ASTM A615 Grade 60 steel bars cast into the concrete and inserted into a PVC pipe on the upstream side of the expansion joint. Test nos. H42S-1 and H42S-2 were conducted according to the Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware 2016 (MASH 2016) criteria using Test-Level 3 (TL-3) test designation nos. 3-10 and 3-11, respectively. In test no. H42S-1, a 2270P quad cab pickup truck impacted the sidewalk at a speed of 62.9 mph and an angle of 24.8 degrees and impacted the barrier at a speed of 61.8 mph and an angle of 24.4 degrees. In test no. H42S-2, a 1100C small car impacted the sidewalk at a speed of 62.2 mph and at an angle of 24.8 degrees and impacted the barrier at a speed of 60.6 mph and an angle of 23.5 degrees. In both tests, the bridge rail successfully contained and redirected the vehicle. Thus, test nos. H42S-1 and H42S-2 successfully met the TL-3 safety performance criteria defined in MASH 2016 and the HDOT 42-in. Tall, Aesthetic Recessed Rounded Panels Concrete Bridge Rail system with a 6-ft wide by 6-in. tall sidewalk was determined to be crashworthy according to MASH 2016 TL-3.


Highway Safety, Crash Test, Roadside Appurtenances, Compliance Test, MASH 2016, Aesthetic, Bridge Rail, Sidewalk, Concrete Parapet

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