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MASH Full-Scale Testing of Single-Post, U-Channel Sign Supports




Jennifer Rasmussen (Schmidt), Ronald Faller, Karla Lechtenberg (Polivka), Bob Bielenberg, Nathan Dowler, Axel Bayingana, Casey Markvicka




Single-post, U-channel sign supports are used across the country for small signs, chevrons, and mile delineators. Despite their wide use, many U-channel sign supports have not been fully evaluated to current American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials’ (AASHTO) Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware (MASH) Test Level 3 (TL-3) criteria. The objective of this research effort was to evaluate the MASH crashworthiness of select U-channel sign supports. The project sponsors were surveyed to identify common post and sign configurations. In addition, previous full-scale crash testing and dynamic component testing of various U-channel supports were reviewed to help identify critical sign configurations. Full-scale crash testing was used to evaluate three sign configurations to MASH test designation no. 3-61. System A had a 1.12-lb/ft U-channel support with a 36-in. tall x 12-in. wide sign mounted at 4 ft above the ground line. System B had a 4-lb/ft U-channel support with a 36-in. tall x 36-in. wide sign mounted at 7 ft above the ground line, with a lap splice near the ground line. System C had a 4-lb/ft U-channel support with a 36-in. tall x 36-in. wide sign mounted at 5 ft above the ground line, with a lap splice near the ground line. System A contacted at the centerline of the vehicle, and Systems B and C contacted the right- and left-quarter points of the test vehicle, respectively. In test no. UCSS-1, an 1100C small car, initially traveling at 67.1 mph, impacted three U-channel systems in succession at a 0-degree impact angle, or head-on to the signs. Systems A and C met all MASH test designation no. 3-61 evaluation criteria, but the performance of System B was inconclusive due to interference from System A prior to impact.


Highway Safety, Crash Test, Roadside Appurtenances, Compliance Test, MASH 2016, Test Designation 3-61, U-Channel Sign Supports, and Breakaway Supports

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